Thursday, April 30, 2015

RISK OF RAIN - Beatboxingcat

Hey! I recently got Risk of Rain as a gift from my friend ,but enough about me lets talk about the game. (this post is going to be a long one)

So maybe some of you are wondering what Risk of Rain is and maybe some of you already know what it is, but for the people who don't know what it is, i'll tell ya. Risk of Rain is a rogue type game where if you die you have to start all over again (So basically, don't die ;D). The game also has a Binding of Issac feel to it because of the items you can get/stack onto each other, but we will get into that later. *SIDE NOTE* the controls are very different than most games (no really they are....) so basically you move by the arrow keys instead of the WASD buttons, to jump you use the space button, and to use your abilities or skills you use the ZXCV buttons.

Also you may be wondering what the objective of the game is, well to put it simply you have to find a teleporter to the next level, but I would recommend to not do that because once you activate it, you have to fight a boss ( I learned that the hard way). What I personally recommend for you to do is to wait until your character gets to level 7-9 before setting out to find the teleporter and fighting the first boss. *SIDE NOTE* I am pretty sure that each bosses are randomly chosen for each level and by beating a boss you will unlock a different character. There are currently 12 characters in the game.

Now let us talk about how to get items and such. When you kill a creature or a enemy (whatever you want to call them) you get gold or coins, (again call it what ever you want to) by getting enough coins you can open chest's, summon creatures from statues (you get a reward by killing all the creatures that you summoned), and finding a shop where you can purchase items. One thing about the chests is that there are different types of chests and depending on which one you unlock you will get a certain rarity of a item (you can see the different types here). Now onto the stacking of a item, if you have more than one item they can stack onto each other and grant you a increase of the buff of the item that is currently being stacked. (example here)

One last thing is that as you progress through the levels the enemy's become tougher (obviously), but you also have a timer telling you how tough the enemy's in the level are. As the time of how long you spend in each level increases, the creatures start to become harder to kill, so basically you want to complete the level by not spending to much time, but also not completing the level so fast that you will be under leveled and be completely destroyed in the next level. (I also learned that the hard way)

Now this concludes all that "I" know of Risk of Rain. Here is the offical website and Here is the Steam store for Risk of Rain, if you have steam of course.

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