Saturday, April 4, 2015

HYPE: Star Wars Battlefront -Dorwulf

You have no idea how hyped I am.

Star Wars Battlefront 2 was the best offline experience I have ever had in shooters. I was always playing roles of the soldier, not wanting them to die and being successful. I played to win and felt the war rage on around me like no other game could capture. Not even Planetside 2 could capture the same feeling of massive warfare Battlefront could capture. Click Here to check the battlefront website.

Click here to read Polygon's article about how you can play Battlefront next week!

Later this month gameplay will finally be revealed for the game and I am hyped.

Imagine this!!!!

The problem I have with the release is that it is EA and DICE... They tend to release a million ways to add microtransactions to the game. I feel as if I'd buy it and help the developers keep that stupid system for years to come because I'd be so obsessed with the game...

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