Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Advanced Warfare Ascendance DLC coming to PS4 and PC -Popkinkajou5

Xbox One losers! Your 1 month of access is almost done!~

The 2nd DLC will be arriving near the end of this month!

What can you look forward to in 'Ascendance'? For starters, four brand new maps: Perplex, Climate, Chop Shop, and Site 244 take players from controlled utopia to and UFO crash site. Players will also have the new interchangable weapon, the OHM light machine gun/shotgun, to really rain down bullets or pack a punch on opponents. Use the multiple grappling sections in the brand new Exo Grapple Playlist should also help players mix things, using the Grapple Ability frequently to gain tactical and mobile edges over other players.

There's also a new Zombies mode attached to this DLC as usual. ENJOY!

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