Thursday, May 21, 2015

EKKO - Beatboxingcat

So the new champ Ekko has been released for the PBE (public Beta environment) for league of legends. So now lets talk about his abilities. (also league of legends is a PC game, not for ps4)

PassiveEkko's damaging spells and attacks build up Resonance stacks on his enemies. Every third attack against the same target triggers Ekko’s passive, dealing bonus damage and slowing his enemy. If he triggers his passive on an enemy champion, you get a small speed boost.

QEkko throws a device in a target direction, damaging all enemies along its path. Once it reaches max distance or hits an enemy champion, the device expands, creating a field that slows all enemy and neutral units. After a few seconds it will return to Ekko and deal damage on its way back.

WPassive: Ekko’s basic attacks deal bonus damage to low health targets. 
Active: Ekko opens a time rift, creating an alternate reality copy of him that tosses a device to a target location. If he steps in the sphere then all enemies inside will be stunned and will grant Ekko a small shield.

EEkko dashes a fixed distance towards a target area. Once his initial dash has ended, Ekko gains greatly increased range on his next basic attack, deals damage to the target, and apply on hit spell effects.

R: you rewinds time, shortly turning untargetable and invulnerable before reappearing wherever he was a few seconds ago. Once he reappears, you  recover a portion of the health you lost over those few seconds while dealing tons of damage to all nearby enemies.
(The green highlight looks so cool <3 xD)
Here is a champion spotlight of EKKO. (this is not the official ekko champion spotlight by riot. I do not know when the official spotlight will come and when the actual champion will be released.)

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