Hey guys. We are looking to grow this blog to become a pretty big place for gamers and others to unite under the banner of team GK. (By the way GK stands for Gaming Kings I think. We're not though hehehe) I would like to ask for you guys to share this blog with your peers and friends. Get the word out that we are starting our streaming and/or gaming. We will be sharing our best moments, funny videos, basically keep putting up entertaining stuff.
If you would like to become a blogger of Team GK, please E-mail teamtwitch101@gmail.com with this info:
Twitch name
Gaming platform
Reason for wanting to be a blogger
You must make a minimum 1 post a week to stay eligible. You also must put in effort into your post or else you will be denied.
Post etiquette: put your game name after your title, for example: HERE IS MY TITLE -(your name here)
Keep your posts interesting!
Share the blog to your friends so they can also read your posts! Everyone's opinion matters.
Thanks guys for reading, and hope to see new bloggers soon!
Thursday, April 30, 2015
RISK OF RAIN - Beatboxingcat
Hey! I recently got Risk of Rain as a gift from my friend ,but enough about me lets talk about the game. (this post is going to be a long one)
So maybe some of you are wondering what Risk of Rain is and maybe some of you already know what it is, but for the people who don't know what it is, i'll tell ya. Risk of Rain is a rogue type game where if you die you have to start all over again (So basically, don't die ;D). The game also has a Binding of Issac feel to it because of the items you can get/stack onto each other, but we will get into that later. *SIDE NOTE* the controls are very different than most games (no really they are....) so basically you move by the arrow keys instead of the WASD buttons, to jump you use the space button, and to use your abilities or skills you use the ZXCV buttons.
Also you may be wondering what the objective of the game is, well to put it simply you have to find a teleporter to the next level, but I would recommend to not do that because once you activate it, you have to fight a boss ( I learned that the hard way). What I personally recommend for you to do is to wait until your character gets to level 7-9 before setting out to find the teleporter and fighting the first boss. *SIDE NOTE* I am pretty sure that each bosses are randomly chosen for each level and by beating a boss you will unlock a different character. There are currently 12 characters in the game.
Now let us talk about how to get items and such. When you kill a creature or a enemy (whatever you want to call them) you get gold or coins, (again call it what ever you want to) by getting enough coins you can open chest's, summon creatures from statues (you get a reward by killing all the creatures that you summoned), and finding a shop where you can purchase items. One thing about the chests is that there are different types of chests and depending on which one you unlock you will get a certain rarity of a item (you can see the different types here). Now onto the stacking of a item, if you have more than one item they can stack onto each other and grant you a increase of the buff of the item that is currently being stacked. (example here)
One last thing is that as you progress through the levels the enemy's become tougher (obviously), but you also have a timer telling you how tough the enemy's in the level are. As the time of how long you spend in each level increases, the creatures start to become harder to kill, so basically you want to complete the level by not spending to much time, but also not completing the level so fast that you will be under leveled and be completely destroyed in the next level. (I also learned that the hard way)
Now this concludes all that "I" know of Risk of Rain. Here is the offical website and Here is the Steam store for Risk of Rain, if you have steam of course.
So maybe some of you are wondering what Risk of Rain is and maybe some of you already know what it is, but for the people who don't know what it is, i'll tell ya. Risk of Rain is a rogue type game where if you die you have to start all over again (So basically, don't die ;D). The game also has a Binding of Issac feel to it because of the items you can get/stack onto each other, but we will get into that later. *SIDE NOTE* the controls are very different than most games (no really they are....) so basically you move by the arrow keys instead of the WASD buttons, to jump you use the space button, and to use your abilities or skills you use the ZXCV buttons.
Also you may be wondering what the objective of the game is, well to put it simply you have to find a teleporter to the next level, but I would recommend to not do that because once you activate it, you have to fight a boss ( I learned that the hard way). What I personally recommend for you to do is to wait until your character gets to level 7-9 before setting out to find the teleporter and fighting the first boss. *SIDE NOTE* I am pretty sure that each bosses are randomly chosen for each level and by beating a boss you will unlock a different character. There are currently 12 characters in the game.
Now let us talk about how to get items and such. When you kill a creature or a enemy (whatever you want to call them) you get gold or coins, (again call it what ever you want to) by getting enough coins you can open chest's, summon creatures from statues (you get a reward by killing all the creatures that you summoned), and finding a shop where you can purchase items. One thing about the chests is that there are different types of chests and depending on which one you unlock you will get a certain rarity of a item (you can see the different types here). Now onto the stacking of a item, if you have more than one item they can stack onto each other and grant you a increase of the buff of the item that is currently being stacked. (example here)
One last thing is that as you progress through the levels the enemy's become tougher (obviously), but you also have a timer telling you how tough the enemy's in the level are. As the time of how long you spend in each level increases, the creatures start to become harder to kill, so basically you want to complete the level by not spending to much time, but also not completing the level so fast that you will be under leveled and be completely destroyed in the next level. (I also learned that the hard way)
Now this concludes all that "I" know of Risk of Rain. Here is the offical website and Here is the Steam store for Risk of Rain, if you have steam of course.
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Mortal Kombat X Progress has been made -Dorwulf
Hey all, I have been playing a lot more Mortal Kombat X lately and have been streaming at random intervals! This is why I keep saying to follow my twitch. CLICK HERE TO FOLLOW MY TWITCH (skip ad button top right). I have been practicing my Scorpion and I have gotten adequate training in pulling off the BASIC COMBOS listed on the Moves list. Now it's time for the advanced chain combos that all the pros do.
The best way to learn is to "watch other pros" but they input commands so fast and you just can't keep up with the spectacle that is happening. The best way is to LOOK at the combos, meaning the button presses. Read the combos and go into practice and try to pull it off yourself.
Front Punch = 1
Back Punch = 2
Front Kick = 3
Back Kick = 4
Kombo 1. - F+2, F+2, (1 hit) Spear, J2, J4, Teleport, 2,1,4, Teleport.
Kombo 2. - J2, 1,2,3, Teleport, B+2, (Walk Slightly Forward) 2,1,4, EX Teleport, Run Cancel, 2, 1, Spear, B+3, 2, F+2
Scorpion has 3 different variations. Inferno, Hellfire, and Ninjutsu. In the pro community, Inferno is the best. Me personally, I'm never going to reach pro anyway, so I am going to stick to the Variation I like to play: Ninjutsu. It has many sword combos that are pretty easy to pull off, however, I may be going to try to practice inferno eventually.
After I get Scorpion down, the plan is to learn my second character. Any thoughts on who it should be? Let me know.
Here is an in depth tutorial video about MKX Combat. If you are interested in the game, I suggest watching this to understand the concept of the game.
Thanks guys for reading.
The best way to learn is to "watch other pros" but they input commands so fast and you just can't keep up with the spectacle that is happening. The best way is to LOOK at the combos, meaning the button presses. Read the combos and go into practice and try to pull it off yourself.
Front Punch = 1
Back Punch = 2
Front Kick = 3
Back Kick = 4
Kombo 1. - F+2, F+2, (1 hit) Spear, J2, J4, Teleport, 2,1,4, Teleport.
Kombo 2. - J2, 1,2,3, Teleport, B+2, (Walk Slightly Forward) 2,1,4, EX Teleport, Run Cancel, 2, 1, Spear, B+3, 2, F+2
Scorpion has 3 different variations. Inferno, Hellfire, and Ninjutsu. In the pro community, Inferno is the best. Me personally, I'm never going to reach pro anyway, so I am going to stick to the Variation I like to play: Ninjutsu. It has many sword combos that are pretty easy to pull off, however, I may be going to try to practice inferno eventually.
After I get Scorpion down, the plan is to learn my second character. Any thoughts on who it should be? Let me know.
Thanks guys for reading.
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
I'm Sorry..... - Beatboxingcat
A emotional, but yet true video Dorwulf sent me over the weekend. (I was having a good weekend until he showed me this video. Also I know this is nothing gaming related, but I thought I would want to share it with you guys)
Monday, April 27, 2015
BO3 Custom Weapon Camos!?!?!?! -Popkinkajou5
Seems like you can make custom Camos! The game is actually looking to be a really really amazing Call of Duty game. Who knows I'll give it a shot.
Also Here is a review about the Multiplayer of Black Ops 3. A First impressions.
If you like Call of Duty subscribe to TmarTn By clicking his name right there! Do so now
Also Here is a review about the Multiplayer of Black Ops 3. A First impressions.
If you like Call of Duty subscribe to TmarTn By clicking his name right there! Do so now
Sunday, April 26, 2015
Yu Gi Oh Best battle ever! -Popkinkajou5
Hey guys! I heard from one reader that they like Yu Gi Oh so I figured I show the greatest battle of them all. (There is profanity and curse words so if you're not allowed to hear those stop)
Saturday, April 25, 2015
Mortal Kombat X and its fun- Dorwulf
I have had a few weeks of Mortal Kombat X in my bloodstream now, so I believe I can talk about it without causing harm. This fighting game is the most fluid fighting game I have played. The fatalities are brutal and fun, and so far only was able to pull off one Brutality (oh well) but I'll be able to naturally pull them off eventually I hope. The story was pretty nice and I will be going through it again to see if I can beat it on a higher difficulty.
The Character I mostly play is Scorpion. Yes I know, everyone plays scorpion. But he is the first character I chose to practice with because I had a preorder skin for Scorpion, The Kold War skin.
The Character I mostly play is Scorpion. Yes I know, everyone plays scorpion. But he is the first character I chose to practice with because I had a preorder skin for Scorpion, The Kold War skin.
I play the variant called "Ninjutsu". it is a stance where Scorpion uses twin swords with his regular combos. I typically use this version so that I have more combos I can pull off because I literally follow the combo guide on the Moves list.
I do not have my own combos created yet, I believe I am not even pro enough to even do that in the first place. Oh well.
The game is a strong contender for game of the year so far. I mean, there is the Witcher 3 coming out, so who knows what'll happen right? Also Battlefront.
Friday, April 24, 2015
Are you tired of League of Legends?!?! -Popkinkajou5
Okay one thing first: I've never played League of Legends or Dota 2 because it's hard to learn. I'm a "fucking casual git gud fgt" guy that everyone points at. BUT I FOUND THE MOBA GAME FOR THE CASUAL ME!!! It's called STRIFE. Click Here. It's basically the casual man's MOBA where it's shared experience, easier last hits, no "denies" of minions, cute artstyle, etc. This video will explain it much better than me!
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China 2.5D of freshness - Mepfistamor
Assassin's Creed is a series that has been seriously and thoroughly explored. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but unless the formula is changed it can get "same-y". Oh look I've played this before but now I get a boat. Holy cow I'm warping through time and space.... Memories. I'm here to tell you that they have finally added fresh flavors into the mix.
First let me start by saying Shadow Complex is one of my favorite XBLA games, and ranks highly among all games especially "Metroidvanias". Secondly allow me to say that Assassin's Creed 3 and it's Tyranny of King Washington DLC specifically are my favorite AC titles. As usual this blog and my statements are opinion and should be taken as thus. Also a grain of salt might be advised.
This new AC takes place in an era and location we have always needed but didn't know to ask for (Japan was highly in demand due to ninjas, as a nature fit). The first of 3 parts of AC:Chronicles takes place in China. Its artwork, music, sounds, characters, and items all stem from this core. Which is vital as the artwork is what allows you to immerse yourself in a side scrolling AC game.
2.5D is a seldom explored approach to creating a game. It forced you to think and look in depth which is extremely effective as this is one of the first AC games that I feel has a strong "puzzle solving" element. In previous AC games you had some freedom of approach. Kill target A but you can do this through pure undetected stealth, you could try and swash buckle your way through, or in later entries you could take a ranged or even hands off approach. Even though a side scroller would seem to limit you, it in fact makes you think harder to achieve massively distant routes. Do you want to brawl your way through all opposition? Would you prefer to assassinate all enemies but do so purely invisible, or would you wish to remain as a shadow and not once be seen by the opponents? This is possible and more thought through than finessed through. Timing and approach surpass finesse and reaction time.
We will have to see how the next 2 parts play out, covering Arabian locations and Russian locale. For now I recommend the 10 dollar cost for a fleshed out and stimulatiing Assassin's Creed experience.
GTA 5 PC CHEATCODES - Beatboxingcat
For all those people who play GTA 5 on the pc you may know that cheat codes are now available by pressing the "~" button (which brings up the console). Another thing is that these codes do not give you more money or make you have a higher rank, instead they give you things like slow motion, being able to be drunk, etc. All that aside this is great for screwing around with your friends or just playing by yourself. Now lets get into the codes >;D
The actual code will be highlighted
*note* both slow motion and the slow motion aiming need to be entered 3 times for the full effect
Flaming bullets INCENDIARY
Explosive melee HOTHANDS
Give yourself parachute SKYDIVE
Moon gravity FLOATER
Drunk mode LIQUOR
Recharge ability POWERUP
Slow motion SLOWMO
Skyfall (launches you into the air) SKYFALL
Spawn comet COMET
Spawn PCJ-600 ROCKET
Spawn sanchez bike OFFROAD
Spawn rapid GT RAPIDGT
Spawn limo VINEWOOD
Spawn trashmaster TRASHED
Spawn buzzard BUZZOFF
Spawn stunt plane BARNSTORM
Slow motion aiming DEADEYE
Invincibility PAINKILLER
Max health/armor TURTLE
Raise wanted level FUGITIVE
Change the weather MAKEITRAIN
Slippery cars SNOWDAY
The actual code will be highlighted
*note* both slow motion and the slow motion aiming need to be entered 3 times for the full effect
Flaming bullets INCENDIARY
Explosive melee HOTHANDS
Give yourself parachute SKYDIVE
Moon gravity FLOATER
Drunk mode LIQUOR
Recharge ability POWERUP
Slow motion SLOWMO
Skyfall (launches you into the air) SKYFALL
Spawn comet COMET
Spawn PCJ-600 ROCKET
Spawn sanchez bike OFFROAD
Spawn rapid GT RAPIDGT
Spawn limo VINEWOOD
Spawn trashmaster TRASHED
Spawn buzzard BUZZOFF
Spawn stunt plane BARNSTORM
Slow motion aiming DEADEYE
Invincibility PAINKILLER
Max health/armor TURTLE
Raise wanted level FUGITIVE
Change the weather MAKEITRAIN
Slippery cars SNOWDAY
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Advanced Warfare Ascendance DLC coming to PS4 and PC -Popkinkajou5
Xbox One losers! Your 1 month of access is almost done!~
The 2nd DLC will be arriving near the end of this month!
What can you look forward to in 'Ascendance'? For starters, four brand new maps: Perplex, Climate, Chop Shop, and Site 244 take players from controlled utopia to and UFO crash site. Players will also have the new interchangable weapon, the OHM light machine gun/shotgun, to really rain down bullets or pack a punch on opponents. Use the multiple grappling sections in the brand new Exo Grapple Playlist should also help players mix things, using the Grapple Ability frequently to gain tactical and mobile edges over other players.
The 2nd DLC will be arriving near the end of this month!
What can you look forward to in 'Ascendance'? For starters, four brand new maps: Perplex, Climate, Chop Shop, and Site 244 take players from controlled utopia to and UFO crash site. Players will also have the new interchangable weapon, the OHM light machine gun/shotgun, to really rain down bullets or pack a punch on opponents. Use the multiple grappling sections in the brand new Exo Grapple Playlist should also help players mix things, using the Grapple Ability frequently to gain tactical and mobile edges over other players.
There's also a new Zombies mode attached to this DLC as usual. ENJOY!
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
DAILY POSTING SCHEDULE!!!! - Beatboxingcat
I will always post on Tuesdays and Thursdays unless something tragic or important has come up. I will also maybe post on Saturdays or Sundays or maybe even both! (depending what topics there are to talk about and how I feel that day)
Another thing, please don't call anyone of us quitters just because we have not posted. We all need things to take care of and such. ALSO I will be making a post this Thursday.
Another thing, please don't call anyone of us quitters just because we have not posted. We all need things to take care of and such. ALSO I will be making a post this Thursday.
Here is my steam account. You can add me if you want, but I will not add you if your profile is private.
(Donations to my steam account will be much appreciated. For example Trading cards, skins for cs-go, etc.)
Here is my holy twitch account. Follow me on twitch. (I will also be streaming together with Dorwulf and my other scrubby friends)
(Donations to my steam account will be much appreciated. For example Trading cards, skins for cs-go, etc.)
Here is my holy twitch account. Follow me on twitch. (I will also be streaming together with Dorwulf and my other scrubby friends)
Monday, April 20, 2015
Battlefront's Destruction system explained -Dorwulf
Click here to read Gamespot's Article!
DICE general manager Patrick Bach spoke--albeit briefly--about the destruction system for the developer's upcoming game Star Wars Battlefront. Bach said that, while destruction has been a hallmark of the developer's Battlefield games, Battlefront will be different.
He has stated:
"Star Wars, as an [intellectual property], is shaping what we're doing," he said. "So we won't do excessive destruction just because we can. It's more about 'what do you need and what you want' in a Battlefield game versus a Battlefront game."
I fear that Battlefront's similarities to Battlefield will be it's biggest downfall. DICE is working hard to get that image out but until we see some actual gameplay and people get hands on with the game, we will not be sure of the outcome.
I am thankful they addressed the destruction in the game though. I feel levolution would not work well on Battlefront. The iconic map isn't there to tear it asunder and I don't think blasters have that kind of power.
Once again, the amazing trailer that is Star Wars Battlefront!!!!!
DICE general manager Patrick Bach spoke--albeit briefly--about the destruction system for the developer's upcoming game Star Wars Battlefront. Bach said that, while destruction has been a hallmark of the developer's Battlefield games, Battlefront will be different.
He has stated:
"Star Wars, as an [intellectual property], is shaping what we're doing," he said. "So we won't do excessive destruction just because we can. It's more about 'what do you need and what you want' in a Battlefield game versus a Battlefront game."
I fear that Battlefront's similarities to Battlefield will be it's biggest downfall. DICE is working hard to get that image out but until we see some actual gameplay and people get hands on with the game, we will not be sure of the outcome.
I am thankful they addressed the destruction in the game though. I feel levolution would not work well on Battlefront. The iconic map isn't there to tear it asunder and I don't think blasters have that kind of power.
Saturday, April 18, 2015
The gaming hiatus -Popkinkajou5
There are absolutely no games coming out for a long time. This is the gaming hiatus where there is nothing new to play. So in the end all I'm left to do is to talk about either old games or talk about games that I am currently playing and the only games I've been playing is Advanced Warfare.
New Call of Duty is Black Ops 3... Ehhhh Hype is strong but I don't like Black Ops.
New Call of Duty is Black Ops 3... Ehhhh Hype is strong but I don't like Black Ops.
Friday, April 17, 2015
I can't wait I can't wait I can't wait I can't wait.
I can't even type properly I'm all giddy with excitement!!!!
here's the original BF3 that was never released
Thursday, April 16, 2015
Mortal Kombat X -Dorwulf
Mortal Kombat is known as the brutal fighting game. And it's back and better than ever. With many new faces to add onto the old roster, the game is a brand new take on the fighting genre and I believe it to be the best one yet.
Unfortunately, this is my first Mortal Kombat game, so the story is quite unfamiliar with me.
The story revolves around the denizens of earthrealm, outrealm, and the netherrealm. The past Mortal Kombat nemesis, Shao Kahn was defeated and Shinnok from the Netherrealm was wanting to destroy Earthrealm. Ehh I'm confused because this is the first MK game I indulged myself into.
The combat is fluid, fast, and awesome. The combos (while I can't pull them off..) seem to be simple and easy to pull off. The fatalities and brutalities are insane to watch and is a spectacle to behold.
It is a masterpiece in it of itself, and it should keep me company until the release of Star Wars Battlefront.
What Battlefield Hardline really is -Popkinkajou5
I was thinking about getting Battlefield Hardline but instead of getting it I was looking around at reviews and I found out that the game itself isn't all that great. A reviewer named Angry Joe has made a review on Hardline and compared the game to it's previous release, Battlefield 4 (which launched utterly broken)
He hits on many different points and the review itself is over 40 minutes long, but it is definitely worth the watch if you were slightly interested in getting it like I was. I'm starting to put more work into getting into more games before I start my weekly streaming. WHICH IF YOU GUYS FORGOT STARTING MAY I'M GONNA STREAM EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT @ 8PM EST.
Here is the video. Enjoy! Don't forget to watch it in full.
He hits on many different points and the review itself is over 40 minutes long, but it is definitely worth the watch if you were slightly interested in getting it like I was. I'm starting to put more work into getting into more games before I start my weekly streaming. WHICH IF YOU GUYS FORGOT STARTING MAY I'M GONNA STREAM EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT @ 8PM EST.
Here is the video. Enjoy! Don't forget to watch it in full.
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Arkham Knight (Bundles/DLC) - Beatboxingcat
Batman: Arkham Knight currently has several Pre-Order Bonuses from a variety of retailers, some of which include retailer-specific bonuses.
The limited edition Arkham Knight PS4 bundle is available for $450, the bundle comes with a steel grey PS4 chassis with a custom Batman: Arkham Knight face-plate, matching dual-shock 4 controller in steel gray. The bundle also comes with the Scarecrow Nightmare missions announced for PS4, and is available for pre-order on Amazon.
Harley Quinn
Anyone who pre-orders Batman: Arkham Knights will gain access to a playable Harley Quinn. Similar to the pre-order bonuses to play as Deathstroke in Arkham Origins, and Robin in arkham city, Harley will be able to use unique weapons, abilities, and gadgets to use in the challenge maps.
Red Hood Story pack (gamestop)
People who pre-order from gamestop will gain access to play as the red hood, as well as a story pack. He is also the 3rd confirmed playable character for Arkham Knights.
The limited edition Arkham Knight PS4 bundle is available for $450, the bundle comes with a steel grey PS4 chassis with a custom Batman: Arkham Knight face-plate, matching dual-shock 4 controller in steel gray. The bundle also comes with the Scarecrow Nightmare missions announced for PS4, and is available for pre-order on Amazon.
Harley Quinn
Anyone who pre-orders Batman: Arkham Knights will gain access to a playable Harley Quinn. Similar to the pre-order bonuses to play as Deathstroke in Arkham Origins, and Robin in arkham city, Harley will be able to use unique weapons, abilities, and gadgets to use in the challenge maps.
Red Hood Story pack (gamestop)
People who pre-order from gamestop will gain access to play as the red hood, as well as a story pack. He is also the 3rd confirmed playable character for Arkham Knights.
Share the Blog!!! -Dorwulf
Hey guys. We are looking to grow this blog to become a pretty big place for gamers and others to unite under the banner of team GK. (By the way GK stands for Gaming Kings I think. We're not though hehehe) I would like to ask for you guys to share this blog with your peers and friends. Get the word out that we are starting our streaming and/or gaming. We will be sharing our best moments, funny videos, basically keep putting up entertaining stuff.
If you would like to become a blogger of Team GK, please E-mail teamtwitch101@gmail.com with this info:
Twitch name
Gaming platform
Reason for wanting to be a blogger
You must make a minimum 1 post a week to stay eligible. You also must put in effort into your post or else you will be denied.
Post etiquette: put your game name after your title, for example: HERE IS MY TITLE -(your name here)
Keep your posts interesting!
Share the blog to your friends so they can also read your posts! Everyone's opinion matters.
Thanks guys for reading, and hope to see new bloggers soon!
If you would like to become a blogger of Team GK, please E-mail teamtwitch101@gmail.com with this info:
Twitch name
Gaming platform
Reason for wanting to be a blogger
You must make a minimum 1 post a week to stay eligible. You also must put in effort into your post or else you will be denied.
Post etiquette: put your game name after your title, for example: HERE IS MY TITLE -(your name here)
Keep your posts interesting!
Share the blog to your friends so they can also read your posts! Everyone's opinion matters.
Thanks guys for reading, and hope to see new bloggers soon!
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
I have made a video!!!! -Popkinkajou5
Hey guys, this is my new Advanced Warfare video. This is Hardpoint on the map Solar. I did pretty damn amazing so here it is for you guys to enjoy it in all of it's glory.
Follow my twitch by clicking HERE
Monday, April 13, 2015
Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 Confirmed!!! -Popkinkajou5
Sorry this news is a bit late.
Activision and Treyarch have officially announced the title of the next Call of Duty game…Black Ops 3 and have released a new teaser trailer for the title. The teaser trailer confirms that the worldwide reveal will take place on Sunday, April 26th, 2015.
HYPE TRAIN KNOWS NO BOUNDS!!!! Jk I probably won't get it because I hate Treyarch.
Activision and Treyarch have officially announced the title of the next Call of Duty game…Black Ops 3 and have released a new teaser trailer for the title. The teaser trailer confirms that the worldwide reveal will take place on Sunday, April 26th, 2015.
HYPE TRAIN KNOWS NO BOUNDS!!!! Jk I probably won't get it because I hate Treyarch.
Sunday, April 12, 2015
Why I like to play games -Dorwulf
Why I like to play games: For fun. For comfort. For immersion. But what has happened to me? Have I lost my touch? I haven't been excited for a game in roughly a year now. Even if I say I am hyped for Star Wars Battlefront, I am still very skeptical about how it will turn out. Games have been coming out "complete" with no real effort put into the game for much replay value.
The same old Multiplayer level unlocks don't cut it for me anymore. The oldest Call of Duty I have played is Call of Duty Black Ops. Singular. I've played Black Ops 2 on my college campus. I haven't personally owned a CoD game in a while. Advanced Warfare is fun for me because of the supply drops. It gives me an incentive to keep playing in hopes of unlocking a better variant of a weapon or make myself look that much better. This is how it is done.
Give me an incentive to keep playing and that incentive will keep bringing me back. Open World RPGs tend to do that with the BUTTLOAD of quests they offer and the rewards offered at the end. Dragon Age Inquisition is a phenomenal game that everyone should definitely play. (You will need to play the previous games to understand what's going on) The Witcher 3 is said to take 200 hours to complete which is mind boggling. I am not sure how they manage to do that, but hopefully it works out. It could be 70% tedious monotony. Who knows?
Fighting games have been getting a bad rep these days with multiple re-releases of the same damn game over and over charging the same price constantly. Mortal Kombat X has DLC characters (Which is so much better than buying an entire new copy) and Dead or Alive 5 Last Round (the 3rd version of this damn game) has a "season pass" That costs a whopping $93!!!! I like my share of fighting games but this is getting kind of crazy..
League of Legends is a good game, don't get me wrong. But I've been playing since Season 2 and the game has drastically changed and for me.. changed for the worse. It isn't fun anymore. It's all about E-sports and following strict roles and guidelines and the jungle is fucked up. (sorry for language) I do not like League of Legends currently.
Thanks guys for listening to my rant. Check out my Twitch by clicking Here.
The same old Multiplayer level unlocks don't cut it for me anymore. The oldest Call of Duty I have played is Call of Duty Black Ops. Singular. I've played Black Ops 2 on my college campus. I haven't personally owned a CoD game in a while. Advanced Warfare is fun for me because of the supply drops. It gives me an incentive to keep playing in hopes of unlocking a better variant of a weapon or make myself look that much better. This is how it is done.
Give me an incentive to keep playing and that incentive will keep bringing me back. Open World RPGs tend to do that with the BUTTLOAD of quests they offer and the rewards offered at the end. Dragon Age Inquisition is a phenomenal game that everyone should definitely play. (You will need to play the previous games to understand what's going on) The Witcher 3 is said to take 200 hours to complete which is mind boggling. I am not sure how they manage to do that, but hopefully it works out. It could be 70% tedious monotony. Who knows?
Fighting games have been getting a bad rep these days with multiple re-releases of the same damn game over and over charging the same price constantly. Mortal Kombat X has DLC characters (Which is so much better than buying an entire new copy) and Dead or Alive 5 Last Round (the 3rd version of this damn game) has a "season pass" That costs a whopping $93!!!! I like my share of fighting games but this is getting kind of crazy..
League of Legends is a good game, don't get me wrong. But I've been playing since Season 2 and the game has drastically changed and for me.. changed for the worse. It isn't fun anymore. It's all about E-sports and following strict roles and guidelines and the jungle is fucked up. (sorry for language) I do not like League of Legends currently.
Thanks guys for listening to my rant. Check out my Twitch by clicking Here.
Saturday, April 11, 2015
Bloodborne and why we like to punish ourselves. - Mepfistamor
A Bloodborne Haiku
Why oh why, I died?
This isn't fair, I DID dodge
I'll get it next time!
From Software (the company behind the Souls games, Demon Souls, Dark Souls, Dark Souls 2) has released a new epic adventure. Steeped in H.P. Lovecraft themes and ideals that will succeed in creeping you out and causing you to rage from head to toe. Like the other games in the Demon and Dark souls series this game is incredibly difficult and will push your patience and skills to the limit. Since there are games out there that reward us in similar ways as these games and with far less difficulty, the question is why are these games so popular and is Bloodborne different from the other games from From Software?
The simple answer is Dopamine and yes its different. You are probably here about video games and not chemical reactions within the brain, so I will wrap the neuro-speak up with a simple explanation. When the trophy/achievement notification pops up on your screen, or you get to the victory screen of a video game your brain rewards you with a dose of Dopamine. The victory high you get or the euphoric feeling of relief and satisfaction.
What separates most games from From Softwares souls games is that most games over load you with rewards and achievements. "Congrats you pushed the jump button" and "Good job you made it through the tutorial" are cheap thrills for our brains, the more we are used to it the more our brain ignores it. I have never played a series of games that makes you work for victory like the Souls games and now Bloodborne.
That's why we punish ourselves with the struggle of these games because the victory highs are that much better and worth while.
So is Bloodborne different from the other souls games? The answer is a resounding yes that can not be over simplified. Like my last post these 2 games or series are similar enough, but to call them duplicates or clones would be a huge mistake.
First off you have to notice the themes. Dark Souls 1&2 and Demon Souls are games heavily into a fantasy theme. Dragons and Orcs, Goblins and Gargoyles. Wizards and witches and classical weaponry. Large axes and long swords, fireballs and lightning bolts. In constrast, Bloodborne is grounded heavily in Cthulhu Mythos. Mysterious cults and ancient beings. Insanity and werewolves and dark creatures. Weapons in Bloodborne are modern tools like pistols and blunderbusses (Shotguns), Axes and pole arms, swords and hammers. These are where the differences begin and the gameplay branches from that to differentiate the games further.
The Souls games are rewarding to patient players who know their enemies. Monster have precise movements that might not be elaborately telegraphed but you can always know what the enemy is doing. Defending is a great way to counter enemies and even open up opportunities to strike. Bloodborne on the other hand rewards the players who are quicker on their feet and can spot an opening. There is no defending in Bloodborne, its kill or be killed, though there is room for proper dodging.
My closing point would be that Bloodborne is not an easy game and will make you work for your just desserts. Is it worth it? In my mind there is no doubt. If you are new to the style of game Bloodborne is a good starting place. Also if you are a veteran of the Souls series you will be in familiar territory, but do not sit on your habits from the Souls games.
Good Hunting!
Friday, April 10, 2015
Sorry - Beatboxingcat
Sorry for not posting yesterday. I did not feel good yesterday nor do I feel good today. I will try to make more posts when I feel a bit better.
Hello Mepfistamor -Popkinkajou5
Hello! Glad to see new bloggers rolling into this team! I'm an author here as well. I like to play Call of Duty a lot and I am quite entertained with your choice of games. If you are on PS4, don't hesitate to add us bloggers! We all have PS4 I believe.
The admin listed your twitch on the sidebar with all of our Twitch streams too. I followed you! :)
If I can ask that you share the blog with your friends too and see if any of them want to become bloggers too, tell them to shoot an e-mail to the admin at teamtwitch101@gmail.com!
I'm doing all of his heavy work bleh...
The admin listed your twitch on the sidebar with all of our Twitch streams too. I followed you! :)
If I can ask that you share the blog with your friends too and see if any of them want to become bloggers too, tell them to shoot an e-mail to the admin at teamtwitch101@gmail.com!
I'm doing all of his heavy work bleh...
Toukiden Kiwami = Monster Hunter, or does it?! - Mepfistamor
Toukiden Kiwami is a recent release for PS4 and PS Vita.
The game itself gets compared quite often to Monster Hunter and the question I pose is "Is it?"
Game summary in 1 sentence - Slaughter and "cleanse" attacking Oni (demons).
I am a gamer who has barely put 100 hours into each game, in this case being Toukiden Kiwami and Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate. I am no completionist and those who play these games hardcore will say that is barely much of a play time total.
Though the parallels between these games are undeniable the feel and thrill and experience are quite unique to each. For lack of better words the difference is that Monster Hunter truly feels like you go out into the wild and track down and kill monsters, where as Toukiden feels like you are the last line of defense between giant demon monsters and the town you protect called Ukataka.
Weapons are where the 2 games begin to drift apart. Both games share a slew of weapons from bow and arrows to giant great swords. What feels unique from one game to the other is that typically in Monster Hunter the way you use a weapon set changes drastically based on the monster you are fighting. In Toukiden the way you use a weapon set depends on your Mitama set (Mitama are accompanying spirits that give you skills/spells to use). This might boil down to "every fight is different" but to me it makes the 2 games uniquely different.
TL;DR - Toukiden is fast action that is slightly forgiving taking down giant monster like demons, where as Monster Hunter is a more calculated approach to bringing down fierce apex predators.
From time to time, on no strict schedule you can find me streaming games, recently Toukiden Kiwami. Feel free to join me there and ask away, I also take requests on demonstrations of game mechanics such as weapons or monsters.
Twitch Channel - http://www.twitch.tv/mepfistamorit
The game itself gets compared quite often to Monster Hunter and the question I pose is "Is it?"
Game summary in 1 sentence - Slaughter and "cleanse" attacking Oni (demons).
I am a gamer who has barely put 100 hours into each game, in this case being Toukiden Kiwami and Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate. I am no completionist and those who play these games hardcore will say that is barely much of a play time total.
Though the parallels between these games are undeniable the feel and thrill and experience are quite unique to each. For lack of better words the difference is that Monster Hunter truly feels like you go out into the wild and track down and kill monsters, where as Toukiden feels like you are the last line of defense between giant demon monsters and the town you protect called Ukataka.
Weapons are where the 2 games begin to drift apart. Both games share a slew of weapons from bow and arrows to giant great swords. What feels unique from one game to the other is that typically in Monster Hunter the way you use a weapon set changes drastically based on the monster you are fighting. In Toukiden the way you use a weapon set depends on your Mitama set (Mitama are accompanying spirits that give you skills/spells to use). This might boil down to "every fight is different" but to me it makes the 2 games uniquely different.
TL;DR - Toukiden is fast action that is slightly forgiving taking down giant monster like demons, where as Monster Hunter is a more calculated approach to bringing down fierce apex predators.
From time to time, on no strict schedule you can find me streaming games, recently Toukiden Kiwami. Feel free to join me there and ask away, I also take requests on demonstrations of game mechanics such as weapons or monsters.
Twitch Channel - http://www.twitch.tv/mepfistamorit
Thursday, April 9, 2015
ADF.LY -Dorwulf
Hey guys, just a quick PSA about adf.ly. It is a revenue generating site that you shorten links and you send those links out to people and if they click it and see the ad, you get money. Literally all they have to do is look at the ad for 5 seconds and click skip ad and cha-ching you just made money.
It is so simple and the way you get paid is through paypal or some other things. Minimum payout is $5!
Keep shortening and keep sharing links and soon you'll be a millionaire sharing links everywhere.
Link is right below the picture. Click it bruhs and brahs. No excuses! It's money right there.
Cick HERE and Enjoy!
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
Exams...... - Beatboxingcat
Exams are starting tomorrow for 2 WEEKS. D:< Also speaking of school what is your favorite subject and why? (Ex: Reading class or Spanish class) Post your response on THE HOLY TEAM GK CHAT-ROOM >:O, but if your wondering what MY favorite subject is, it is the Social Studies class (or called history class or whatever) because I personally love learning about people killing each other for stupid reasons.
Sad news -Popkinkajou5
Sad news! My Twitch account was rendered inactive and blocked. I'm in the process of making a new one. I'll have it shared to you guys once it is made! Don't worry!
I'll still stream every Friday starting May.
Again, I'm sorry. So no link to my Twitch page now. Oops.
I'll still stream every Friday starting May.
Again, I'm sorry. So no link to my Twitch page now. Oops.
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
This guy is a priest. - Beatboxingcat
WARNING: this video contains offensive language, you have been warned.
We all can relate to this XD
Exams are 2 days away D;
Here is my steam account. You can add me if you want, but I will not add you if your profile is private.
(Donations to my steam account will be much appreciated. For example Trading cards, skins for cs-go, etc.)
Here is my holy twitch account. Follow me on twitch. (I will also be streaming together with Dorwulf and my other scrubby friends)
(Donations to my steam account will be much appreciated. For example Trading cards, skins for cs-go, etc.)
Here is my holy twitch account. Follow me on twitch. (I will also be streaming together with Dorwulf and my other scrubby friends)
HEX? -Popkinkajou5
Click here to go to the official website
HEX combines the amazing community and roleplaying aspects of a Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMO) with the compelling collectible and strategic gameplay of a Trading Card Game (TCG) to create an entirely new category of a game, the MMO/TCG.
Over 350 Cards In Set 1

Cryptozoic is a leading TCG publisher with years of experience building a real, fully featured, and balanced TCG (World of Warcraft TCG). HEX has the same attention to detail and offers the finest digital TCG experience available. You’ll get a free Starter Deck (a $10 value) upon account creation. In addition to the 300 cards available via the PVE campaign, there are over 350 cards to use in Set 1 which you can win in tournaments or find in Booster Packs.
Amazing Digital TCG Innovations

HEX can do things a paper TCG can only dream of doing. Socket gems in cards to give them additional powers, use card powers to transform them into different cards mid-match. The Double Back makes each card an individual collectible. Cards gain experience and have individual achievements that allow you to unlock extended art and foil versions. Deck statistics give you instant feedback about your deck’s composition, its record, and other statistics.
Buy, Sell, Or Trade Cards, Gear, And Other Rewards In The Full Featured Auction House (Coming Soon)

Are you wheeling and dealing? You can make trades in the chat client, or you can automate all your transactions in the Auction House. If you’re in need of that final card to complete your new deck or you’re looking to take some of that shiny gear and turn it to gold, this is the place for you.
The Most Aggressive Organized Play Infrastructure Ever Offered For A Digital TCG

HEX will feature tournaments and events around the clock available worldwide.
Create Your Champion From 6 Classes And 8 Races

Create and customize your champion with talents, gear, and game altering abilities that revolutionize the Trading Card Game. Take up the side of good with either the heroic humans, noble coyotle, proud orcs, or the creative elves. If you have more sinister goals, then play as the destructive dwarves, zealous vennen, aggressive shin’hare, or cunning necrotic.
Explore Dozens Of Dungeons And Raid With Friends For Epic Gear!

Encounter deep TCG puzzles and explore the world of Entrath. The PVE experience offers hundreds of hours of gameplay, storytelling, and the chance at rich rewards. You’ll find gear, gems, and over 300 unique cards at launch.
Battle The Most Advanced TCG AI Ever Created

Advanced, cutting edge AI will challenge players of all skill levels while still being accessible. Cryptozoic hired the most experienced TCG AI expert in the world to build this system from the ground-up. In addition to the latest in TCG artificial intelligence, each opposing champion has a personality and approach to the game specific to that champion.
Join A Guild To Test Your Deck Or Battle Other Guilds For Bragging Rights!

Recruit your friends and use the Guild Bank to register decks into “the gauntlet” that your guildmates can then practice against. Enter in guild-only tournaments and compete to be the number one guild in the world. Band together with your guildmates to defeat raid bosses and equip up your character with full legendary gear.
Monday, April 6, 2015
Exams! / College books - Beatboxingcat
Exams will start this Thursday for me T.T Either way, wish me good luck that I do good xD.
(P.S. If I pass, I will do something for you guys. leave suggestions in the comment box.)
College books....... cost so much money. If your low on money AND your in college, this video will help you out.
(P.S. If I pass, I will do something for you guys. leave suggestions in the comment box.)
College books....... cost so much money. If your low on money AND your in college, this video will help you out.
Sunday, April 5, 2015
Something i found funny - Beatboxingcat
PS: One does not simply release their inner seagull.
Here is my steam account. You can add me if you want, but I will not add you if your profile is private.
(Donations to my steam account will be much appreciated. For example Trading cards, skins for cs-go, etc.)
Here is my holy twitch account. Follow me on twitch. (I will also be streaming together with Dorwulf and my other scrubby friends)
Saturday, April 4, 2015
HYPE: Star Wars Battlefront -Dorwulf
You have no idea how hyped I am.
Star Wars Battlefront 2 was the best offline experience I have ever had in shooters. I was always playing roles of the soldier, not wanting them to die and being successful. I played to win and felt the war rage on around me like no other game could capture. Not even Planetside 2 could capture the same feeling of massive warfare Battlefront could capture. Click Here to check the battlefront website.
Click here to read Polygon's article about how you can play Battlefront next week!
Later this month gameplay will finally be revealed for the game and I am hyped.
Star Wars Battlefront 2 was the best offline experience I have ever had in shooters. I was always playing roles of the soldier, not wanting them to die and being successful. I played to win and felt the war rage on around me like no other game could capture. Not even Planetside 2 could capture the same feeling of massive warfare Battlefront could capture. Click Here to check the battlefront website.
Click here to read Polygon's article about how you can play Battlefront next week!
Later this month gameplay will finally be revealed for the game and I am hyped.
Imagine this!!!!
The problem I have with the release is that it is EA and DICE... They tend to release a million ways to add microtransactions to the game. I feel as if I'd buy it and help the developers keep that stupid system for years to come because I'd be so obsessed with the game...
Thursday, April 2, 2015
U.R.F MODE (Ultra Rapid Fire) - Beatboxingcat
User name: Catshooter
I play on the NA servers
Come play the most casual of all casual game modes ever on league...... THE U.R.F MODE :D
(The new Login screen for League of legends . :D)
User name: Catshooter
I play on the NA servers
Come play the most casual of all casual game modes ever on league...... THE U.R.F MODE :D
(The new Login screen for League of legends . :D)
Here is my steam account. You can add me if you want, but I will not add you if your profile is private.
(Donations to my steam account will be much appreciated. For example Trading cards, skins for cs-go, etc.)
Here is my holy twitch account. Follow me on twitch. (I will also be streaming together with Dorwulf and my other scrubby friends)
(Donations to my steam account will be much appreciated. For example Trading cards, skins for cs-go, etc.)
Here is my holy twitch account. Follow me on twitch. (I will also be streaming together with Dorwulf and my other scrubby friends)
Share the blog!!! -Popkinkajou5
Hey guys. We are looking to grow this blog to become a pretty big place for gamers and others to unite under the banner of team GK. (By the way GK stands for Gaming Kings I think. We're not though hehehe) I would like to ask for you guys to share this blog with your peers and friends. Get the word out that we are starting our streaming and/or gaming. We will be sharing our best moments, funny videos, basically keep putting up entertaining stuff.
If you would like to become a blogger of Team GK, please E-mail teamtwitch101@gmail.com with this info:
Twitch name
Gaming platform
Reason for wanting to be a blogger
You must make a minimum 1 post a week to stay eligible. You also must put in effort into your post or else you will be denied.
Post etiquette: put your game name after your title, for example: HERE IS MY TITLE -(your name here)
Keep your posts interesting!
Share the blog to your friends so they can also read your posts! Everyone's opinion matters.
Thanks guys for reading, and hope to see new bloggers soon!
If you would like to become a blogger of Team GK, please E-mail teamtwitch101@gmail.com with this info:
Twitch name
Gaming platform
Reason for wanting to be a blogger
You must make a minimum 1 post a week to stay eligible. You also must put in effort into your post or else you will be denied.
Post etiquette: put your game name after your title, for example: HERE IS MY TITLE -(your name here)
Keep your posts interesting!
Share the blog to your friends so they can also read your posts! Everyone's opinion matters.
Thanks guys for reading, and hope to see new bloggers soon!
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
Hello! -Blitzkreiggggg
Hello, I am a new poster for this blog. I like FIFA.
Please treat me well.
Click HERE to learn more about FIFA Sports
Thank you very much.
Please treat me well.
Click HERE to learn more about FIFA Sports
Thank you very much.
We're closing down Team GK -Popkinkajou5
Sorry to inform you... But Team GK is no more. We could not stream and we never will in the future so this blog is a waste. We're very sorry for lying to you about streaming. We never will.... Sorry.
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